English Liebster Award

screen-shot-2015-02-11-at-12-14-17-pmLiebster Award

Last year I received Liebster award from Martilo and Mbak Ria in Indonesian version. Yesterday, I received Liebster award but in English from mas Ryan. I feel honored to accept this challenge. I also confused to write it since I need to write in English 😆 . Let’s break this challenge!!

So what I need to do?

  1. Acknowledge and accept the Liebster Award by leaving a comment on the blog that nominated you (Mas Ryan, I did it yaa).
  2. Copy and paste the Liebster logo onto your blog (done)
  3. Link back to the blogger who nominated you Answer the 11 questions put to you by the person who nominated you. (done)
  4. List 11 random facts about yourself (hmm…can you see it in Instagram? :p )
  5. Nominate and link to 3—11 other blogs you enjoy that have less than 3000 followers(let’s see for this one)
  6. List 11 questions for your Liebster Award nominees on your blog (hmm what kind of question I should ask? *evil grin*)
  7. Inform your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog (will do)

Next, let’s answer the 11 question from Mas Ryan:

  1. What is your unique nickname from your friends? Hmm some of them call me Aira and R.
  2. Money or health (can’t choose both)? Health, you can make money if you are healthy :3
  3. Employee or entrepreneur (also can’t choose both)? Entrepreneur. Remember about my dream right?
  4. How do you see yourself in next 5 years? Example: as a Store Manager  Wife with one or two children, have a daycare and also coffee shop, have a great husband, older, more mature, and wiser than now.
  5. Cook by yourself or go to restaurant for anniversary with spouse? cook by myself. I hope my cooking skill better that day 😀
  6. Your favorite writer for all time is… Sitta Karina, Oh I miss to read Lukisan Hujan after 10 years
  7. Coffee or tea (no other choice, only this two) and why? Coffee!! It just like life, you can not have sweet and happy life if you not try the bitterness of it
  8. Which one you prefer for holiday, beach or mountain? Can I have booth? Since I love sunny beach and cold mountain
  9. How many children would you like? Boy or girl? two!! Son and daughter
  10. Whom you want to spend your last day of your life with and why? (only one person) I think my spouse, because he is a person who will stay with me for the rest of my life.
  11. What is the thing you are passionate about in life? Traveling

Hmm… 11 random fact about my self? youngest children; love blue, ocean, sunset. hot chocolate, and rain; love to listening jazz music even sometimes I don’t know about the song and just enjoy it 😀 ; I like to traveling; I choose to write what I am thinking rather than speak; this day, is my longest hair that I have (proud of it 😆 ); I love being freelancer but I want to try work in office hour; I have a dream to become psychologist since I was in junior high school; until now, I love to wear converse shoes; I love to read novels but it’s hard to finished my collage book, and I hate to see people smoke in angkot.

Yeah finished!! Now I will give this award to *drum roll* Tane, Nadia, Mbak Ria, Mbak Jo, and mbak Tutut. Congratulation!! So here 11 question for you:

  1. How do you see yourself in next 5 years?
  2. What is your favorite movie and why?
  3. What is your favorite book and why?
  4. If you knew today could be your last day on earth, how would you spend it?
  5. What movie that changed your opinion or perspective about something that matters in your life?
  6. Coffee or tea?
  7. Sunrise or sunset and why you choose it?
  8. What the craziest thing that you do?
  9. If you have to spend a month for vacation, where do you want to go and with whom?
  10. Who your motivator in life?
  11. What is the thing you are passionate about in life?

Happy blogging everyone 🙂

21 thoughts on “English Liebster Award

  1. I could know you better just by reading this post :hihi.
    We share same interest in traveling! 🙂
    And I also agree, that I prefer writing my ideas to speaking it :hehe.
    Nicely done! 😀

  2. Wahaha, this one is a homework for me, thank you! ❤
    Mbak, I'm a big fan of Sitta Karina, too. But my favorite is Pesan dari Bintang, the one about Niki and Inez hihi Well, I like Titanium, too, by the way, and Rumah Cokelat! aaahh…I like a lot haha

  3. Pingback: My Liebster Award goes to… | Nadcissism

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