[EF]#13 Talking About Sports

I did a lot of sports so I have a couple of sports that I loved. Four years ago, I tried Latin dance as my exercise. I did it twice a week and really had fun. I never knew that dancing could be so fun as Latin dance. I learned about chacha, tango, jive, rumba, and waltz. I loved it because it helped to straighten my back and made me happy.

I stopped taking Latin dance because I started my masters program and the time didn’t match. So I tried another kind of sports which was more flexible — running. Since running was free I had to put in extra effort to do it, so it only lasted for a month 😀 . Another sport that I tried was zumba. I tried it because it was popular and I thought that maybe zumba was like another Latin dance. But I was wrong. Zumba was similar to aerobic and I didn’t really like aerobic. So after one month, I quit. Another sport that I tried was badminton. I did it with my bestfriends on Sundays.

Now, I am on yoga. I prefer it because my research topic is about yoga. I had been doing Yoga for one and half months. So far, I love it. It helps me to control my mind and emotions. It also helps me to be more patient. Before doing yoga, I used to have so much of unchannelled energy, with yoga I learn to control and slow my movement. Yoga also helps to straighten my back. another benefit of yoga for me is increased focus and concentration span.

My favorite sport so far is Latin dance. That is why I love to see Thinking Out Loud MV from Ed Sheeran.

*this post is submission for English Friday Challange
** feel free to be grammar Nazi 🙂
***thank you Mbak Mikan to review my post

29 thoughts on “[EF]#13 Talking About Sports

  1. you have tried some sports,
    you also said about straighten your back, mind my asking, do you have a problem with your back?
    because I do too, and still searching what kind of sport can help fix the problem

    • About my back, it’s not setious problem. It just that ‘punggungku bungkuk’ mbak. Jadi pengaruh ke postur tubuh. Selain itu pengaruh juga ke rentang atensi sama konsentrasi.
      Olahraga yang aku tahu ngebantu negakin postur itu dansa latin sama yoga 😀

    • Setelah aku tulis, lumayan juga mbak Jo 😀
      Aku juga awalnya pengen pilates, tapi mahal banget!! Belum sanggup deh buat ikutan kelas pilates

  2. Beuh, you are so sporty. I haven’t ever tried any of the sport you’ve mentioned :haha. But it’s good to fill your day with sports and positive activities–it really helps you to be healthy and also occupies mind for not thinking something negative :)).

    • Thank you Uwien…
      err I did zumba just for a month. I give up 😀 *capek parah dan serasa aerobik tiap abis Zumba*

  3. Oooh, though I don’t really understand Latin Dance, I once learned about Salsa (is it included?) and I loved it so much! And the same, I like Ed Sheeran’s video as well..

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