[EF]#7 Time To Go Home

IMG_4801Pasopati overpass, Bandung

After a long long walk
I finally found my way
After a long long time
I finally found my place
– Home by Mocca

When sunrise tells you to start the day, sunset tells you it’s time to go home.

Early in the morning, we are always busy preparing breakfast, taking kids to school, and going to work. People start work with full of energy. After that, the energy starts to go down. The workloads and problems in a day tend to stress people, make them tired and sensitive. But, when the sun begins to go down, people try to cool down too. Some of them try to reduce stress by going out with friends, working out in gym, doing sports like futsal, swimming, jogging or just having sip of coffee in cafe. Some of them prefer to go home.

I forgot when I started thinking about it, but sunset always make me think about the idea of going home. Back to the place where you belong, place where I can find people who I love and love me, place to relax after “war” in one day. It is lovely to talk to your loved one and tell him or her about what happen that day, what problems you face that day, and you can play with your kids too. Seeing the happy face of your children can bring energy and joy. Finally we can rest our mind, body, and soul before the sun start to rise again.

I took this picture on my way home. I took it because it shows two things that I love, sunset and rain. The sunset was beautiful with the orange and yellow color. If you saw the other side, you would see beautiful rainbow. It is sad that I could not take the photo 😦 . When I saw this photo, I remembered about the idea that I shared above. That is why I used this photo for English Friday seventh challenge.

*This post has edited by Mbak Mikan. Thank you mbak Mikan 🙂

46 thoughts on “[EF]#7 Time To Go Home

  1. Iraaa. Initially I was going to use a picture I took on my way home. The similiar story was also in mind. Sunset always reminds me of home too. Nice picture and nice story.

    • sunset always remind us about home ya mas Dani 😀
      After I read about the challenge, I am thinking about this picture. Tadinya mau digunain untuk tulisan biasa Mas. Untung baca challange BEC duluan 😀

      Thank you for your compliment mas Dani 🙂

  2. Love the color’s gradation, it’s so gold!
    Gold is precious, as our families do. It’s one of those things that we must keep it dearly, because in family, there are people who love us without any pretension :hehe

  3. I really agree with the feeling. Evening is the most melancholic time for me, I always feel so mellow at that time, all I want is to be with our beloved. And rain would just make it more heartwarming 🙂

  4. The photo is a bit melancholy, Mbak Ira (or is it just me who feel like that?). I like the photo of glass with water droplets on it, and so does your photograph. I would be glad if I could see the photo of the rainbow.
    Your post is nicely written, Mbak. It’s touching :). We may be tired or stressed in the workplace, but after arriving at home and meet the family member, those negative feelings will vanish. In my opinion, home is a place where we do not need to pretend to be another person to be loved.

    • you can feel like that too Ami, since raindrops sometimes make you feel mellow . Iya, sayangnya aku baru sadar pelanginya sesaat setelah turun dari jalan layang, jadi ga keburu dapet lengkung 180 derajatnya 😦

      thank you for you compliment Ami. Yes, home is a place when you can show your true color 🙂

  5. I love your post Mbak Ira, and someday I will try to write like this. Your story you told remind me about an author for Life Traveler, Windy Ariestatny. I bet you have writing-style like hers.

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